Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Pro-Lifers Really DO Give Double the amount Pro-"Choicers" Give During 40 Days!

Having spotted pro-death supporters in Cardiff on twitter,  planning to give money to bpas, effectively "sponsoring" each day of the 40 Days for Life Vigil and using this to donate to BPAS, please remember that we run a counter-fundraising campaign called Pro-Lifers Give Double During 40 Days for Life. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and so far Pro-lifers have doubled the efforts of our Pro-abortion friends every time the campaign has run. Although they have hundreds of donors and we may have a few of dozen, the Pro-lifers generosity has far outweighed that of our Pro-Choice friends in both the last two 40 Days for Life campaigns. Here's a reminder to please support our work during this excellent, but extremely busy and financially demanding time:

It's back - our fundraising campaign which runs during every 40 Days for Life Campaign.
During "40 Days", women are called away from the selfish act of abortion to a selfless and sacrificial acceptance of Motherhood in difficult circumstances.
Can we pro-lifers match their sacrifice?
This is why we are asking pro-lifers to give double during 40 Days for Life.
We have already had 7 turnarounds in the first 4 days of 40 Days for Life. We also had 2 turnarounds today from a Helper's of God's Precious Infants Vigil. All 9 of these women need concrete practical and financial support, and that is on top of another harvest of turnarounds just before 40 Days started as well as our normal stream of visitors seeking assistance in difficult pregnancy situations.
Can we help them?
Yes with a little support from you.
And please sign up for our 40 Days Campaigns at Whitfield St and Ealing [see here for other locations]
And do please say a prayer to the patroness of the "Pro-Lifers give double during 40 days" campaign
Thank you and God bless, Clare McCullough

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